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REI MAGOSAKI is Associate Professor of English at Chapman University with a background in 20th & 21st century U.S. literature, and specializes in Asian American Literatures. PhD, English Language and Literature, University of Virginia/ B.A. English (magna cum laude) and French, Amherst College.


Selected Awards and Honors:


2023  Second Book Institute Fellow, Henneke Center at the University of Tulsa

2019-2020  Faculty Opportunity Fund for Scholarly Activity, Chapman University

2016-2017   Faculty Excellence Award for Scholarly Research, Chapman University

2013-2014   Scholar in Residence, Florida Atlantic University

2012-2013 & 2011-2012  Faculty Research Grant, Chapman University

2007-2008  Summer Dissertation Grant, University of Virginia

2000-2001 & 2004-2005  Amherst Fellowship for English Literature, Amherst College

1998-2000  Uchimura Scholar, Amherst College

Born in Kanazawa, Japan, Rei Magosaki grew up mostly in Tokyo and other cities including London, Moscow, Boston, Baghdad, and Ottawa.


Her book on the first extended account of Asian American publishing history in the United States was published as Tricksters & Cosmopolitans: Cross Cultural Collaborations in Asian American Literary Production from Fordham University Press in 2016.


Her current book project on literary expressions of Japanese American wartime incarceration is a return to her longstanding interest in cultural geography.  This project also reflects her increasing interest in the layered histories of Southern California, and Orange County, CA, where she has lived since 2008.

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